Senin, 21 Juli 2014

Cara Melewati Defense Turret di Hyperium

Cara normal, dari AQWWiki (
At Hyperium, you will need to pass the Defense Turrets on Screen 3. Have two other players ready to press the buttons on Screen 4. The player pressing the button on the right will need the Crystallized Dragon's Breath from the Saloon. When the buttons are pressed at the same time, the turrets will be disabled long enough for you to pass by.

Gak ngerti? sama. coba cara ane:
  1. Cabut kabel modem dari komputer
  2. Lewatin Turretnya
  3. Colokkin lagi kabel modem ke komputer secepatnya

Atau cara/tips dari Daniel Mahendra Prasetyo:
  1. Gunakan Oracle rank 3 (meningkatkan evasion 50%) dan Evasion Potion, beli di arcangrove (
  2. Gunakan skill 3 oracle bernama Foretell lalu pakai Evasion Potion tinggal lewat deh.

atau cara umum lain:
Gunakan Rogue rank 5 dan gunakan skill terakhir bernama Footwork.

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