Senin, 21 Juli 2014

Reputation Classes

Banyak yg bertanya "cara dapat class2 rep dan cara ngumpuli rep-nya gimana?"...dan begitu malasnya membuka Nah untuk itu sy rangkum menjadi satu...

  • * : disarankan mengambil quest tersebut
  • Daily Quest dan Legend Quest tidak ada dalam daftar
  • Sebaiknya selesaikan Story dari masing2 class Rep tersebut
  • Stack Quest aja biar lebih cepat (mengambil banyak quest sekaligus)


Arachnomancer (Arach), Rank 10 Ravenloss
Story: -
  • /join twilightedge, NPC Riadne, Quest "Slay the Spiderkin" (450 Rep)
  • /join ravenloss, NPC Tomix, Quest "Pyromancer Domination" (200 Rep)
  • /join ravenloss, NPC Tomix, Quest "Mages Make Mashed Spiders" (200 Rep)
  • /join ravenloss, NPC Tomix, Quest "Warriors Against Spiderin" (200 Rep)
  • /join ravenloss, NPC Tomix, Quest "Arachnomancer Weave War" (200 Rep)
  • /join ravenloss, NPC Tomix, Quest "Pyromancer Domination" (200 Rep)
  • /join ravenloss, NPC Tomix, Quest "Arachnomancer Weave War" (200 Rep)
DarkBlood StromKing (DBSK), Rank 10 ThunderForge
  • /join deathpits, NPC Logash, Quest "The Chaos Eye of Vestis" (350 Rep)
  • /join deathpits, NPC Logash, Quest "Bone Ladder" (350 Rep)*
Elemental Dracomancer (ElDraco), Rank 10 EtherStorm
  • /join airstorm, NPC Ang'st, Quest "Lightning Up the Night" (1500 Rep)
  • /join etherwarevil, NPC Dr'Rader, Quest "Investigate the Ether-Taint!" (500 Rep)
  • /join etherwargood, NPC Hs'Sakar, Quest "Investigate the Ether-Taint!" (500 Rep)
  • /join airstorm, NPC Mido, Quest "Pay Homage to a Foregn God" (400 Rep) 
  • /join etherwardes, NPC X'Dir, Quest "Defend Your Master!" (500 Rep)*
Evolved Shaman (Evo Shaman) & Shaman, Rank 10 Arcangrove
  • /join arcangrove, NPC Blakk, Quest "Thisle Do Nicely" (120 Rep)*
  • /join arcangrove, NPC Blakk, Quest "Pleased to Meat You" (200 Rep)*
  • /join arcangrove, NPC Moonwrath, Quest "ArcanRobe" (100 Rep)*
  • /join arcangrove, NPC Moonwrath, Quest "Ebony and Ivory Tusk" (200 Rep)*
  • /join arcangrove, NPC Rayst, Quest "A Necessary Sacrifice" (150 Rep)*
  • /join arcangrove, NPC Rayst, Quest "Gorrillaphant Poaching" (150 Rep)*
  • /join arcangrove, NPC Reen, Quest "Mustard and Pretzel" (120 Rep)*
  • /join arcangrove, NPC Reen, Quest "Thyme and a Half" (150 Rep)*
Horc Evader (Horc), Rank 10 Horc
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Ghaz, Quest "Biting weapons" (150 Rep)
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Kagg, Quest "Dressed to Kill" (100 Rep)
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Kagg, Quest "Thinking Ahead" (150 Rep)
  • /join ancienttemple, NPC Kagg, Quest "Salvage Ancient Heritage" (300 Rep)
  • /join bloodtuskwar, NPC Kagg War, Quest "Zot Gives Peaces" (400 Rep)
  • /join bloodtuskwar, NPC Kagg War, Quest "Sput Makes Sausage?!" (400 Rep)
  • /join bloodtuskwar, NPC Kagg War, Quest "Ghaz Experiments" (400 Rep)
  • /join alliance, NPC Rawg, Quest "Tainted Shadowed Sholdiers" (500 Rep)
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Sput, Quest "Terrestrial Seasonings" (200 Rep)*
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Sput, Quest "Boar Ears in Salted-Butter Sauce" (275 Rep)*
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Sput, Quest "Sput's Really Big Cleaver" (150 Rep)*
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Tlax, Quest "Eternal Vigilance" (150 Rep)
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Tlax, Quest "Tlax's Axe" (175 Rep)*
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Zot, Quest "K'thuur Hocestra" (200 Rep)*
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Zot, Quest "Zot's Zidar" (100 Rep)*
  • /join ravinetemple, NPC Zot, Quest "Chaorruption Detected" (100 Rep)
Master Ranger, Rank 10 Sandsea
  • /join sandsea, NPC Bastet, Quest "What's for Desert?" (150 Rep)*
  • /join sandsea, NPC Bastet, Quest "Porter-Inn Steaks?" (150 Rep)*
  • /join sandsea, NPC Cassim, Quest "Vase Case" (50 Rep)
  • /join sandsea, NPC Cassim, Quest "Oasis Ornament" (150 Rep)*
  • /join sandsea, NPC Kephri, Quest "The Power of Pomade" (150 Rep)*
  • /join sandsea, NPC Kephri, Quest "Salon Quality Shampoo" (150 Rep)
  • /join sandsea, NPC Nkuku, Quest "Running a Stable Stable" (150 Rep)
  • /join sandsea, NPC Nkuku, Quest "Pearched Pets" (150 Rep)*
  • /join sandsea, NPC Zhoom, Quest "Dissertations Bupers camel" (150 Rep)*
  • /join sandsea, NPC Zhoom, Quest "Crafty Creepers: A favorit of Mine" (150 Rep)*
Necromancer (Necro), Rank 10 DoomWood
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Essential Essences" (750 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Bust Some Dust" (750 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "A Loyal Follower" (750 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Almighty Aluminum Enhacment" (500 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Blessed Barium Enhacment" (500 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Glorius Gold Enhacment" (500 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Immortal Iron Enhacment" (500 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Celestial Copper Enhacment" (500 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Sanctified Silver Enhacment" (500 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Pious Platinum Enhacment" (500 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Basic Weapon Kit Construktion" (500 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Advance Weapon Kit Construktion" (500 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Ultimate Weapon Kit Construktion" (500 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Finding Fragment with Blinding Bow" (600 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Finding Fragment with Blinding Dagger" (600 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Finding Fragment with Blinding Mace" (600 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Finding Fragment with Blinding Scythe" (600 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Finding Fragment with Blinding Broadsword" (600 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "Finding Fragment with Blinding Blade" (600 Rep)
  • /join necropolis, NPC Artix, Quest "The Blinding Light of Destiny" (2500 Rep)
  • /join lightguard, NPC Axe, Quest "Gone But Not Forgotten" (200 Rep)*
  • /join lightguard, NPC Axe, Quest "Hole-y Armor Patching" (300 Rep)*
  • /join lightguard, NPC Axe, Quest "Palladium Paladin Parts" (200 Rep)
  • /join lightguard, NPC Brute, Quest "A Brutal Mistake" (200 Rep)
  • /join lightguard, NPC De'gree, Quest "No Light-hearted Expression" (250 Rep)
  • /join necrodungeon, NPC GrimDawn and GrimDusk, Quest "Doom OverLord Challenge" (2500 Rep)
  • /join lightguard, NPC Lady Speedstyk, Quest "Sticking it to the Undead" (200 Rep)*
  • /join lightguard, NPC Lady Speedstyk, Quest "Walking Wounded" (300 Rep)
  • /join lightguard, NPC Ol' Spice, Quest "Holy Wasabi" (100 Rep)
  • /join lightguard, NPC Ol' Spice, Quest "Light Yogurt Ingredients" (250 Rep)*
  • /join shadowfalwar, NPC Shadowfall War, Quest "Minion Morale" (500 Rep)
  • /join shadowfallwar, NPC Shadowfall War, Quest "Shadowfall is DOOMed" (200 Rep)
  • /join shadowfallwar, NPC Shadowfall War, Quest "Grave-lyn Danger" (200 Rep)
Royal BattleMage (RBM), Rank 10 Swordhaven
  • /join archives, NPC Denara, Quest "Bandit Bounty" (250 Rep)
  • /join archives, NPC Denara, Quest "Thwarting the Spies" (250 Rep)
  • /join archives, NPC Denara, Quest "Fighting Chaos with Clerics" (250 Rep)
  • /join archives, NPC Denara, Quest "Plagued Rats" (250 Rep)
  • /join archives, NPC Denara, Quest "Nope, Nope, Nope!" (250 Rep)
  • /join archives, NPC Denara, Quest "Still More Research to Be Done!" (250 Rep)
  • /join archives, NPC Denara, Quest "That's One Big Sludgebeast" (500 Rep)
  • /join archives, NPC Denara, Quest "The Strongest Thread" (400 Rep)
  • /join archives, NPC Denara, Quest "No Time for Blacksmiths" (500 Rep)
  • /join archives, NPC Denara, Quest "The Haunting of Swordhaven" 600 Rep)
  • /join castle, NPC Guy, Quest "Pet Shop and Drops" (300 Rep)*
  • /join castle, NPC Jessor, Quest "Weapons-in-progress" (275 Rep)*
  • /join swordhavenfall, NPC Lady Celestia, Quest "Defeat Ultra Chaos Lord Alteon" (1000 Rep)
  • /join castleroof, NPC Lady Celestia, Quest "Defeat Ultra Chaos Dagon" (500 Rep)
  • /join castle, NPC Nialla, Quest "Beautician Magician" (325 Rep)*
  • /join armory, NPC Rufus, Quest "Axe Them To Leave!" (50 Rep)
  • /join armory, NPC Rufus, Quest "Freeze 'Em Up!" (50 Rep)
  • /join armory, NPC Rufus, Quest "Burn 'Em Up" (50 Rep)
  • /join castle, NPC Sir Vival, Quest "Boy Fiends and Ghoul Fiends" (450 Rep)*
  • /join castle, NPC Sir Vival, Quest "Arachnid Eradication" (450 Rep)*
  • /join castle, NPC Sir Vival, Quest "Apparition Nation" (450 Rep)*
  • /join castle, NPC Valerin, Quest "Helping Hands for Armors" (350 Rep)*
Thief of Hour (ToH), Rank 10 ChronoSpan
  • /join thespan, NPC Cysero, Quest "You Don't Want To Know" (350 Rep)*
  • /join thespan, NPC Mince, Quest "Doing the 'do" (225 Rep)*
  • /join thespan, NPC Mince, Quest "Business is BOOMing" (225 Rep)*
  • /join thespan, NPC Tek, Quest "Cogs and Gears" (175 Rep)
  • /join thespan, NPC Tek, Quest "Target Practice" (250 Rep)*
  • /join thespan, NPC Warlic Golem, Quest "Temporal Translation Tome" (150 Rep)*
  • /join thespan, NPC Warlic Golem, Quest "Gen Ed Generator" (200 Rep)
Troll Spellsmith (Troll), Rank 10 Troll
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Bachius, Quest "Dedicated Denial of Resources Attack" (200 Rep)
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Bachius, Quest "Troll of War" (200 Rep)
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Bachius, Quest "Gentle Muse, Breathe Life into my Art!" (175 Rep)
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Dregas, Quest "Aint Gonna Paint, No Ingredients!" (150 Rep)*
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Dregas, Quest "Galery Gala: Opens Next Week!" (150 Rep)
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Oishii, Quest "Boar's Feet in Salted-Butter Sauce" (275 Rep)*
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Oishii, Quest "Trollola Terrine" (200 Rep)
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Oishii, Quest "Cooking Techniques: Practicuum" (150 Rep)*
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Samba, Quest "Dancing' Hair-do's and Hair-dont's" (200 Rep)*
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Samba, Quest "Samba, samba, samba-style!" (100 Rep)*
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Sokrakiis, Quest "The Low Elvish Lanquage" (175 Rep)
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Sokrakiis, Quest "The High Trollic Language" (100 Rep)
  • /join bloodtusk, NPC Sokrakiis, Quest "The Low Trollic Language" (150 Rep)
  • /join bloodtuskwar, NPC Sokrakiis War, Quest "Dregas' Mysterious Request" (400 Rep)
  • /join bloodtuskwar, NPC Sokrakiis War, Quest "Bachius' Disturbing Request" (400 Rep)
  • /join bloodtuskwar, NPC Sokrakiis War, Quest "Oishii's Disgusting Request" (400 Rep)


(-/\-) maaf charku bukan legend jd kurang tau dimana harus farm rep-nya...kalau ada yang berbaik hati menambahkan ya silahkan...

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